To create a proper system disk image backup under V6.2, it is necessary to issue the BACKUP command with the /NOALIAS qualifier. BACKUP/IMAGE without /NOALIAS does not pick up the VMS$COMMON directory or its contents.
These commands properly copied and restored the VMS$COMMON directory under VMS 6.2.
Image Backup Command:
< class='quote' style='width:400px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:auto'><code style='white-space:nowrap'>$ BACKUP/IMAGE/NOALIAS/IGNORE=INTERLOCK -
DKA200: MKA600:SYSTEM.BCK/SAVE<br><br><br></code>
Image Restore Command:
< class='quote' style='width:400px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:auto'><code style='white-space:nowrap'>$ BACKUP/IMAGE -
MKA600:SYSTEM.BCK/SAVE DKB500:<br><br><br></code><hr>